The Price of the Free Lunch: Programming in the Multicore Era
Last Friday was the annual Lab event of our Software Languages Lab. Like last year, many people related to the lab in one or the other way came to get an overview of what the current topics of our research are.
This year, we presented our research in the form of a Pecha Kucha talk. That means every presenter got 20 slides to present and each of the slides was shown exactly 20 seconds. That gives enough time to convey the general idea, but avoids boring the people with endless technical details.
All in all, that worked out pretty well.
My talk gave an overview of what the Parallel Programming Group is up to, on a very high level. It motivates why we are doing research in languages and language runtimes/virtual machines, and names our approaches to tackle the challenges. Well, for researchers in the field that is probably to vague, but everyone else might get just enough out of it to see in which direction we are going.