Sep 20, 2009: Theory and Practice of Language Implementation, part 3
The third and last part of the summer school started with Ondrej Lhotak talking about pointer analysis. David Bacon presented a basic introduction to garbage collection and detailed description of the real-time Metronome GC. The last lecturer for this summer school was Patrick Cousot, who gave a very basic and thus understandable introduction to abstract interpretation.
Sep 5, 2009: How to use Pharo/Squeak from the Command-line
Along the way to measure the performance of a Smalltalk implementation for commodity multi-core systems, I tried to use Pharo as a more convenient development platform. Well, and I failed in the first attempt…
Sep 3, 2009: Traits Patch Updated, Backported, and Available on GitHub
PHP 5.3 is already released for a while and starts to settle in.