Nov 10, 2011: First Release Candidate of PHP 5.4 Available for Testing, including Traits!
The first release candidate of PHP 5.4 was just released. The announcement on the main page is still missing, but the links are the usual ones:
Nov 2, 2011: OOSPLA 2011 @SPLASH2011, Day 3
The third day started with Brendan Eich’s keynote on JavaScript’s world domination plan. It was a very technical keynote, not very typical I suppose. And he was rushing through his slides with an enormous speed. Good that I have some JavaScript background. Aside all the small things he mentioned, interesting for me is that he seemed to be very interested to get Intel’s RiverTrail approach to data-parallelism into ECMAScript in one or another form. That is kind of contradicting the position I heard so far, that ECMAScript would be done with having WebWorkers as a model for concurrency and parallel programming.