Nov 14, 2012: Sly and the RoarVM: Exploring the Manycore Future of Programming
My second talk at Smalltalks 2012 was most likely the reason why the organizers invited me in the first place. It was a slightly extended version of the Sly and RoarVM talk for the FOSDEM Smalltalk Dev Room from the beginning of the year, reporting on the Renaissance Project.
Nov 8, 2012: What If: Developing Applications in the Multicore Era
Yesterday was the first day of Smalltalks 2012 in Puerto Madryn. The organizers invited my to give a keynote on a topic of my choice, which I gladly did. Having just handed in my thesis draft, I chose to put my research into the context of Smalltalk and try to relate it to one of the main open questions: How do we actually want to program multicore systems.
Nov 3, 2012: Brief Introduction to Multicore Programming
Yesterday, I gave a brief lecture at the University of Quilmes half an hour outside of Buenos Aires. Since the students were from all levels of the bachelor program, I tried to give them a little impression of why we have multicore processors in the first place, and how fork/join with work-stealing as well as event-loop actors could be used to program these systems.