Feb 23, 2024: Why Are My Bytecode Interpreters Slow? Hunting Truffles with VTune
As part of our work on the AST vs. Bytecode Interpreters paper, I briefly looked at how the native code of ahead-of-time-compiled bytecode loops looks like, but except for finding much more code than what I expected, I didn’t look too closely at what was going on.
Nov 17, 2023: The Changing “Guarantees” Given by Python's Global Interpreter Lock
In this blog post, I will look into the implementation details of CPython’s Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) and how they changed between Python 3.9 and the current development branch that will become Python 3.13.
Oct 16, 2023: Which Interpreters are Faster, AST or Bytecode?
This post is a brief overview of our new study of abstract-syntax-tree and bytecode interpreters on top of RPython and the GraalVM metacompilation systems, which we are presenting next week at OOPSLA.