Nov 17, 2023: The Changing “Guarantees” Given by Python's Global Interpreter Lock
In this blog post, I will look into the implementation details of CPython’s Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) and how they changed between Python 3.9 and the current development branch that will become Python 3.13.
Oct 16, 2023: Which Interpreters are Faster, AST or Bytecode?
This post is a brief overview of our new study of abstract-syntax-tree and bytecode interpreters on top of RPython and the GraalVM metacompilation systems, which we are presenting next week at OOPSLA.
Sep 11, 2023: An Introduction to Interpreters and JIT Compilation
Last week, I gave two lectures at the Programming Language Implementation Summer School (PLISS). PLISS was very well organized and the students and other presenters made for a very enjoyable week of new ideas, learning, and discussing.
Feb 18, 2021: Open Postdoc Position on Language Implementation and Concurrency
Dec 7, 2020: Preventing Concurrency Bugs from Causing Harm, Automatically
Oct 19, 2020: Irrationally Annoyed: The SIGPLAN Blog Post writing 30 Years of PL Research Out of Existence
I started writing this post when being very very annoyed by this blog post on the SIGPLAN blog. I could not understand how “THE SIGPLAN” blog could simply write 30 years of programming language research out of existence, only barely acknowledging Self and JavaScript. It felt like duty called…
Aug 8, 2020: Metaprogramming, Metaobject Protocols, Gradual Type Checks: Optimizing the "Unoptimizable" Using Old Ideas
Last year, I was asked to give a talk for the Meta’19 workshop. It’s a workshop on metaprogramming and reflection. The submission deadline for this year’s edition, is less than a month away: Check it out!
Jun 26, 2020: An Introduction to Efficient and Safe Implementations of Dynamic Languages
Last September, I had a lot of fun putting together a lecture on language implementation techniques. It is something I wanted to do for a while, but I had not had a good excuse before to actually do it.
Feb 4, 2016: Open PostDoc Position on Programming Technology for Complex Concurrent Systems
We, or more specifically our colleagues from the Software Languages Lab in Brussels are looking for a post-doctoral researcher to work on a collaborative research project with us.