Sep 17, 2024: Instrumentation-based Profiling on JVMs is Broken!
Last year, we looked at how well sampling profilers work on top of the JVM. Unfortunately, they suffer from issues such as safepoint bias and may not correctly attribute observed run time to the correct methods because of the complexities introduced by inlining and other compiler optimizations.
Sep 20, 2023: Don't Blindly Trust Your Java Profiler!
How do we know on what to focus our attention when trying to optimize the performance of a program? I suspect at least some of us will reach for sampling profilers. They keep the direct impact on the program execution low, and collect stack traces every so often during the program execution. This gives us an approximate view of where a program spends its time. Though, this approximation as it turns out can be surprisingly unreliable.
Oct 5, 2022: Effortless Language Servers
Ever since my blog post in 2016, I have wanted a good language server for SOM and Newspeak. Though, I didn’t really have the time to implement more than a few features.
Jul 26, 2021: Interpreters, Compilation, and Concurrency Tooling in PLAS at Kent
Here at Kent, we have a large group of researchers working on Programming Languages and Systems (PLAS), and within this group, we have a small team focusing on research on interpreters, compilation, and tooling to make programming easier.
Feb 18, 2021: Open Postdoc Position on Language Implementation and Concurrency
Aug 10, 2016: Can we get the IDE for free, too?
With the Truffle language implementation framework, we got a powerful foundation for implementing languages as simple interpreters. In combination with the Graal compiler, Truffle interpreters execute their programs as very efficient native code. Now that we got just-in-time compilation essentially “for free”, can we get IDE integration for our Truffle languages as well?
Apr 8, 2016: Adding Debugging Support to a Truffle Language
Beside the great performance after just-in-time compilation, the Truffle Language implementation framework provides a few other highly interesting features to language implementers. One of them is the instrumentation framework, which includes a REPL, profiler, and debugger.
Feb 4, 2016: Open PostDoc Position on Programming Technology for Complex Concurrent Systems
We, or more specifically our colleagues from the Software Languages Lab in Brussels are looking for a post-doctoral researcher to work on a collaborative research project with us.
Jan 25, 2016: Towards Meta-Level Engineering and Tooling for Complex Concurrent Systems
Last December, we got a research project proposal accepted for a collaboration between the Software Languages Lab in Brussels and the Institute for System Software here in Linz. Together, we will be working on tooling for complex concurrent systems. And with that I mean systems that use multiple concurrency models in combination to solve different problems, each with the appropriate abstraction. I have been working on these issues already for a while. Some pointers are available here in an earlier post: Why Is Concurrent Programming Hard? And What Can We Do about It?