Nov 14, 2012: Sly and the RoarVM: Exploring the Manycore Future of Programming
My second talk at Smalltalks 2012 was most likely the reason why the organizers invited me in the first place. It was a slightly extended version of the Sly and RoarVM talk for the FOSDEM Smalltalk Dev Room from the beginning of the year, reporting on the Renaissance Project.
Nov 8, 2012: What If: Developing Applications in the Multicore Era
Yesterday was the first day of Smalltalks 2012 in Puerto Madryn. The organizers invited my to give a keynote on a topic of my choice, which I gladly did. Having just handed in my thesis draft, I chose to put my research into the context of Smalltalk and try to relate it to one of the main open questions: How do we actually want to program multicore systems.
Nov 3, 2012: Brief Introduction to Multicore Programming
Yesterday, I gave a brief lecture at the University of Quilmes half an hour outside of Buenos Aires. Since the students were from all levels of the bachelor program, I tried to give them a little impression of why we have multicore processors in the first place, and how fork/join with work-stealing as well as event-loop actors could be used to program these systems.
Sep 10, 2012: RACES'12: Public Reviews + Paper Drafts + Voting on Agenda == Workshop 2.0?
[Disclaimer: I am one of the assistants supporting the RACES’12 organizers and a PC member.]
Jul 15, 2012: WritingStats: Track and Visualize Your Writing Progress
Writing a PhD dissertation, a master thesis, a bachelor thesis, or any other kind of lengthy document can be a lot less rewarding than hacking on something that gives real feedback once it starts working…
Jun 26, 2012: Workshop on Relaxing Synchronization for Multicore and Manycore Scalability
You got a big multicore, or manycore machine, but do not have a clue of how to actually use it, because your application doesn’t seem to scale naturally? Well, that seems to be a problem many people are facing in our new manycore age. One possible solution might be to accept less precise answers by relaxing synchronization constraints. That could allow us to circumvent Amdahl’s law when Gustafson is out of reach.
My paper, on how to support various concurrency models, with an ownership-based meta-object protocol (MOP) was accepted at TOOLS’12. Below, you will find a preprint version of the paper. A later post will provide details on how to use it and how to experiment with the MOP in Pharo 1.3.
Feb 5, 2012: FOSDEM Smalltalk Dev Room: Sly and the RoarVM
Today, FOSDEM featured that first incarnation of a Smalltalk developer room. Unfortunately, FOSDEM is always packed with interesting talks, so, I only managed to attend a couple of talks. Most notably the talk on Spoon.
Jan 24, 2012: Modularity and Conventions for Maintainable Concurrent Language Implementations: A Review of Our Experiences and Practices
Modularity: AOSD’12 will be in Potsdam at the end of March, and I am looking forward especially to the MISS’12 workshop.