Oct 17, 2021: Actors! And now?
An Implementer’s Perspective on High-level Concurrency Models, Debugging Tools, and the Future of Automatic Bug Mitigation
Feb 18, 2021: Open Postdoc Position on Language Implementation and Concurrency
Dec 7, 2020: Preventing Concurrency Bugs from Causing Harm, Automatically
Jul 12, 2019: What if we could see all concurrency bugs in the debugger?
Multiverse Debugging: Non-Deterministic Debugging for Non-Deterministic Programs
Aug 24, 2018: Efficient Deterministic Replay for Actors
Debugging concurrent systems is pretty hard, and we worked already for a while to make things a bit better. However, a big remaining problem is that bugs are not easily reproduced.
Oct 15, 2017: Debugging Concurrency Is Hard, but We Can Do Something About It!
When we have to debug applications that use concurrency, perhaps written in Java, all we get from the debugger is a list of threads, perhaps some information about held locks, and the ability to step through each thread separately.
Mar 7, 2017: SOMns 0.2 Release with CSP, STM, Threads, and Fork/Join
Since SOMns is a pure research project, we aren’t usually doing releases for SOMns yet. However, we added many different concurrency abstractions since December and have plans for bigger changes. So, it seems like a good time to wrap up another step, and get it into a somewhat stable shape.
Feb 11, 2016: Domains: Sharing State in the Communicating Event-Loop Actor Model
It has been a while since we started working on how to extended the Actor model with mechanisms to safely share state. Our workshop paper on Tanks was published in 2013. And now finally, an extended version of this work was accepted for publication. Below you can find the abstract with a few more details on the paper, and of course a preprint of the paper itself.
Oct 21, 2015: Optimizing Communicating Event-Loop Languages with Truffle
The past few month, I have been busy implementing a fast actor language for the JVM. The language is essentially Newspeak with a smaller class library and without proving access to the underlying platform, which can lead to violations of the language’s guarantees.
Sep 11, 2015: Why Is Concurrent Programming Hard? And What Can We Do about It? #vmm2015
Yesterday at the Virtual Machine Meetup, I was giving a talk about why I think concurrent programming is hard, and what we can do about it.
Jul 15, 2014: Why is Concurrent Programming hard?
In short, I think, it is hard because on the one hand there is not a single concurrency abstraction that fits all problems, and on the other hand the various different abstractions are rarely designed to be used in combination with each other.
Mar 3, 2014: Domains: Safe Sharing Among Actors
The actor model is a pretty nice abstraction to reason about completely independent entities that interact purely by exchanging messages. However, for software development, some see the pure actor model as too fine-grained and too restrictive exposing many of the low-level issues such as data races again on a higher level again, and thereby forgoing some of its conceptual benefits.
Feb 13, 2014: Parallel Gesture Recognition with Soft Real-Time Guarantees
More than three years ago, Lode and I started thinking about parallel event processing for realtime systems. The main use case back then was gesture and motion detection based on cameras such as the Kinect. Thierry created the first fully functional prototype called PARTE, and in addition to his master thesis, we wrote a workshop paper about it. Now, we finally got also the revised and extended version of this paper accepted.
Oct 24, 2013: Tanks: Multiple Reader, Single Writer Actors
And another paper that’s going to be presented by Joeri is our work on Tanks, a variation of communicating event loops (à la E or AmbientTalk). Tanks add synchronous and consistent read access to the event loop model.
Jan 9, 2013: Parallel Gesture Recognition with Soft Real-Time Guarantees
It has been a while since SPLASH’12, but I got finally around to put up a copy of our paper at the AGERE’12 workshop. It is based on Thierry’s master thesis and presents his work on parallelizing a Rete engine for gesture recognition. Lode and I were his advisors and are happily working with him on what we promised in the future work section.
Nov 8, 2012: What If: Developing Applications in the Multicore Era
Yesterday was the first day of Smalltalks 2012 in Puerto Madryn. The organizers invited my to give a keynote on a topic of my choice, which I gladly did. Having just handed in my thesis draft, I chose to put my research into the context of Smalltalk and try to relate it to one of the main open questions: How do we actually want to program multicore systems.
Nov 3, 2012: Brief Introduction to Multicore Programming
Yesterday, I gave a brief lecture at the University of Quilmes half an hour outside of Buenos Aires. Since the students were from all levels of the bachelor program, I tried to give them a little impression of why we have multicore processors in the first place, and how fork/join with work-stealing as well as event-loop actors could be used to program these systems.
Dec 24, 2011: Synchronization Views for Event-loop Actors
With Joeri we have been working already for a while on a paper to extend the standard actor model with more parallelism. This work is not completed yet, and there are still some theoretical issues with the approach he designed. But we are working on it!
Dec 7, 2010: The Price of the Free Lunch: Programming in the Multicore Era
Last Friday was the annual Lab event of our Software Languages Lab. Like last year, many people related to the lab in one or the other way came to get an overview of what the current topics of our research are.
Feb 21, 2010: Towards an Actor-based Concurrent Machine Model
Already quite a while ago, I was involved in writing a workshop paper about an actor model for virtual machines. Actually, the main idea was to find a concurrency model for a VM which supports multi-dimensional separation of concerns. However, AOP is not that interesting for me at the moment, so I am focussing on the concurrency, especially the actor-based VM model.
Feb 7, 2010: Virtual Machine Support for Many-Core Architectures: Decoupling Abstract from Concrete Concurrency Models
Finally, my first workshop paper got published, which was a little odyssey with some misunderstandings, but anyway, now it is out. It is just a position paper, thus, do not expect to many insights. However, what it describes is my big plan, and hopefully the story of my PhD. Am working on it…